Apr 04, 2013 · I'm trying to create an automated way (Batch file or VBScript) for outside users to our agency to quickly create a VPN connection to our network. I haven't found much searching google, but maybe I overlooked something? I haven't started writing anything yet so any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!!

You can use these wonderful bash functions from @slhck at Super User:. To connect to different VPNs, have multiple VPNs in Network.prefpane. function vpn-connect { /usr/bin/env osascript <<-EOF tell application "System Events" tell current location of network preferences set VPN to service "UniVPN" -- your VPN name here if exists VPN then connect VPN repeat while (current configuration of VPN First, you will need to create a VPN profile in DSM. Synology has a KB article on this, so I'm not going to cover it here. I will mention, however, that this script obeys the Reconnect when the VPN connection is lost option, so make sure it is enabled. Additionally, this script only works if there is a single VPN connection on the system at a time. rasdial seems to be correctly identify the VPN connection, as if i mis-spell it, etc, it lets me know it can't find it. This is a brand new laptop, so there's nothing else it could be possibly looking at, as no other connections, etc have been set up using that name. however, it's erroring out with incorrect username/pw Feb 12, 2016 · In this video, I walk you through the process of how to create a simple bash script in Kali Linux to allow you to connect to your favorite Nord VPN servers. Further information on Nord VPN can be

' unnecessary running of the logon script when network connections ' renew their configuration without a real configuration event. ' Some VPN adapters make changes to the configuration after the initial ' connection, causing the logon script to run again. IPCONFIG /renew ' will also cause this behavior.

' unnecessary running of the logon script when network connections ' renew their configuration without a real configuration event. ' Some VPN adapters make changes to the configuration after the initial ' connection, causing the logon script to run again. IPCONFIG /renew ' will also cause this behavior. Dec 16, 2013 · See my other post if you have not yet set up your PPTP VPN client. Create this script and make it executable: vi /root/cron/pptp_cron.sh chmod +x /root/cron/pptp_cron.sh. Add the below script to the file and change the following attributes for your own values: your-vpn-host-or-ip-address; your-vpn-username; your-vpn-password vpnc-script replacement for easy and secure split-tunnel VPN setup - dlenski/vpn-slice

Mar 16, 2017 · I'm looking into setting up a script to map network drives, but I'm not sure if I want is possible. What I'd like is to have the user connect to the VPN, then the script to run and map the drives based on the username/password that was used to connect to the VPN.

I have a company VPN connection that I do not want all my traffic to go over the link, only certain netblocks. In order to do this, you need to: Disable default gateway; Create netsh script to add the routes; Create a scheduled task to fire the netsh script when the link is connected. Disable the default gateway Nov 04, 2009 · Start-->Setting-->n/w connections-->New N/W Connection --> Go through the wizard and end up adding a shortcut to desktop. The reason for this requirement is because, i want to do it for many users in my company, they should able to run the script and be done with it rather than going through the setup themselves. Any help is appreciated. Right click the Desktop and select New - Shortcut. In the shortcut target box, type or copy-paste the following command: rasphone -d "VPN connection name". See the following screenshot: Set the desired icon and name for your shortcut. Once you do this, just click this shortcut to connect to a VPN directly.